Health Data Collaborative and Countdown to 2030 Join Forces on Data Capacity Building
1 December 2017
The first workshop of the Countdown to 2030 / Health Data Collaborative regional initiative to generate evidence and strengthen country analytical capacity for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health was organized by the African Population Health Research Centre (APHRC) in Nairobi, Kenya, 27 November – 1 December 2017.
Nineteen countries nominated senior analysts from the Ministry of Health, public health institutions and universities to the first analysis workshop on the RMNCH continuum of care at the subnational level. The 35 participants conducted in-depth analysis of DHS and MICS data, either using Stata code or aggregate data from sources such as StatCompiler, as well as health facility and system data. The team of facilitators was led by APHRC with Johns Hopkins University, University of Manitoba, University of Pelotas, WHO, UNICEF and Health Data Collaborative. The second workshop to synthesize all analyses and prepare regional and country reports, profiles and materials for communication, will be conducted mid-2018. During the phase between the two workshops countries will compile health system and health facility data and conduct further analysis, focusing on the subnational level.